Monday, August 2, 2010

My newest prop/Photographing difficult children/Jadon’s first grade Photo-shoot

Pick a name… all 3 work for this post…

So, we went to Swiss*Days & I saw this cute little chair in the consignment shop.  I had Jadon, who is almost 7, try it out for me in the store to see how it would photograph… It looked good, & it was only $12… so I purchased it, then we used it as an umbrella to get to our van.

Silly, me thought that it would be good to go out and photograph Jadon with the new chair.  He needs his school pictures done.  It was an overcast afternoon today.  Perfect.

Or… not…

Jadon summer 2010 084 copy



Jadon summer 2010 019 copy



 Jadon summer 2010 027 copy 


A few threats & bribes later… he did manage to pull out of the grouches for a few decent photos…

You know, just in case there is someone out there that needs their difficult child photographed…

It can be done…


Jadon summer 2010 042 copy


 Jadon summer 2010 057 copy


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 Jadon summer 2010 075 copy